“Legend of the Dewberry Harvester has all the spice of life. A heavy dose of family, sprinkled with friendship, a tablespoon of worldly struggle, and a pinch of personal insecurity, leaves the reader with a belly full of satisfaction.” —Chad McMahan, Mississippi State Senator, MS
“Legend of the Dewberry Harvester by author Jan Ezelle is a truly spellbinding book. It is like nothing I have read before. Although I believe it has elements of several genres, action/adventure, children’s, fantasy, even mystery, I’m not sure just where it belongs.
“I was quite impressed with the originality of the content of this story. The idea of using the lives of ants to create a dialog-filled, interesting tale makes for quite a ‘novel’ novel. Although parts of the general theme have been attempted before, the plot and settings here are much more meaningful than contained in some insect cartoon of the past.
“The way the author used the ‘real’ world throughout the book was very nice. Giants (people) were utilized, as well as things like the ant characters hearing the sounds of a bird above their home below ground. Also, I enjoyed the fact that real danger was apparent as the ants had deadly enemies as they searched for their food.
“Another impression that I had while reading was that this author has a brilliant imagination. While this book is of a type I have not read before, it was made very ‘believable’, somehow, because of the details and great dialog provided. Also, I could easily see this story being adapted into an animated movie or TV series. I was not sure if this should be meant for adults or for children, as the book has elements that appeal to both.” —George Shuman, Novelist, Newspaper Columnist, Educator, VT
“I loved it so much, I read it in one day! Harry Potter book took me two days. I didn’t have a favorite part of Legend of the Dewberry Harvester, for it was all too good! Meme (grandmother) was so slow, I took it from her and finished it first… I know a good book, and this was great! I want a signed copy!” —Leandra Marin, Fifth Grade Student, ME
“Legend of the Dewberry Harvester is a charming coming-of-age story with a breathless plot and a conglomerate of unique and memorable characters. Jan Ezelle has managed to weave entertainment, education, and moral fiber into a single thread that leaves us breathless and wanting more, more, more… This well-conceived tale is a must-read for readers of all ages.” —Sandy Tritt, Novelist, WV
“A delightful saga of fear, apprehension, strength, and heroism! This intriguing book’s main character and the colorful supporting cast of relatives, friends, and foe become real life characters very quickly. The author stimulates your emotion as the entire story unfolds seamlessly through character conversation, which readers love, but seldom see. Legend of the Dewberry Harvester will linger in your memory for a long time.” —Jim Herman, Novelist, GA
“I really enjoyed reading this book! I was hooked from chapter one and eager to keep reading until the very end! It was suspenseful, and I learned some interesting things that I never knew before. The story was so descriptive that I could see the characters and Dewberry in my head as I read. It was easy for me to read and to stay engaged with action and suspense every step along the way. I would recommend this book to my classmates who are looking for adventure and excitement.” —Colt LaVanway, Sixth Grade Student, MS
“Legend of the Dewberry Harvester is an outstanding book with suspense around every corner! Not only was it full of adventure, but also embedded with educational information. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book to my children. When we finished a chapter, they begged me to keep reading! I was also able to teach students about insects and habitats along the way while reading this book. The fascinating part was that they didn’t even realize how much they were learning due to being captivated by the story itself! I even learned a lot myself while reading this book! I recommend this book to not only educators, but anyone trying to get their children to develop a love for reading!” —Amy LaVanway, Mother of three and Educator, MS
“I ‘cut my teeth’ so to speak on The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. I love the adventures and friendship of Mole, Rat, and Toad that both transcend place and time. I try to read this once a year as an adult when I am feeling down. I was so pleasantly surprised when I picked up, Legend of the Dewberry Harvester by Jan Ezelle. Ms. Ezelle saw a lowly ant go by her one day, and out of this wonderment, she delved into the world of ants… Throughout the main character’s many adventures, he meets friends and enemies along the way as he grows and learns. This is a story with a definite moral compass in control of the outcome. Children will love this story (and adults will, too!) There are many lessons embedded in the story that are thoughtful and endearing—never preachy. Ms. Ezelle has penned a charming tale. As I was reading, I kept picturing the many bugs and flowers mentioned. I hope that future copies of this story will include illustrations of scenes from the text. This will be right on my bookshelf with The Wind in the Willows! Legend of the Dewberry Harvester deserves a top spot!” —Heidi Austin, LA
Jan’s Other…
I will always cherish my “Rooster and the Calendar Friends’ Will-You-Be-My-Friend blanket as a keepsake for a reminder of the time I was teaching my son the months and holidays of the year. It’s also nice to have a throw blanket to cuddle with him on the couch while watching movies.

It’s a high-quality blanket, soft to the touch, a warm welcome to my feet, and a great conversation starter. People always ask me about it, what it’s about, and I get to introduce them to a cute story that my son was intrigued by it, so maybe their kids will enjoy it too.

I like the fuzzy feel of it and having my birth month on it.

I really like my blanket; it is so soft and pretty.

My blanket has animals and I like it.

We just love this colorful story-blanket for our 1-year-old daughter. It’s soft and warm; and will make a precious keepsake when she’s older.

I laid eyes on one of Jan Ezelle’s child-like animated blankets and, absolutely adored it. It’s soft and my grandchild can cuddle and keep warm.